Business Center – HCE 4.11 patch

Business Center - HCE update

BC-HCE 4.11

Rename a georeferenced image – Select an imported georeferenced image and use the Properties pane to edit the name. This is useful for changing the auto-generated page names to more descriptive names.
Standardize the layer for a single object – In the Standardize Layers command, press Shift and click to pick a single imported object (rather than all objects) on a layer to move it to a standard layer.
Explode multi-line text – In the Explode Object command, pick and explode any MText object so you can edit the lines of text individually.
Use layer from imported LandXML file – In the LandXML importer, select Yes for “Use ‘Desc’ field for layer” in Settings to create layers for the imported data based on the file’s Description field.
And bug fixes for cases in which:
At smaller program window sizes, the scrollbar in the Import Vector PDF Data command was covered and could not be used.
When offsetting an alignment, the vertical alignment was not calculated correctly; the linearized VAL did not have enough segments to smoothly model the offset curves.
With a Profile View or Cross-section View open, an exception was encountered when deleting objects from the Plan View.
In the Offset Line command, entering the elevation as a percent slope computed the wrong value.
Site improvements, such as the new utility lines and utility nodes, were not being found by the Advanced Select command.
The Utility Takeoff Report reported an error if the associated utility run did not have trench template locations specified.
The Utility Takeoff Report would not report the backfill materials of the second template when two templates with different backfill material were used in the same run.
The Create Contours command showed random labels for the minimum and maximum surface elevations when the command was launched.
In the Project Explorer, entries for utility objects were not being updated properly; at times, individual objects were either duplicated objects did not appear.
Imported layer names were considered duplicates due to leading zeros in the name being ignored, e.g., layer name “OG01contours” was seen as the same as “OG001contours”.
The default width for utility pressure fittings was too large, which caused problems when modeling a trench surface. The width for fittings is now set to zero a produces the same results as when set to not adjust at nodes.
In rare cases, auto-generated trench templates around utility nodes were being placed too close to each other, resulting in gaps in the trench surface.
An exception was encountered when opening the Properties pane for various objects like drill plan.
Some of the running snap modes (e.g., Midpoint Snap) did not work from within the Station Control.
When using “No” for the Set Backsight option for a Station Setup Plus, BS orientations were being parallel processed.
A collimation error value per “orientation” was not supported.


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