Business Center – HCE v2.60

Business Center - HCE v2.6

So finally I got some time for posting the new features for Business Center – HCE. As per their release notes here are the improvements.

  • Exchange Data Between Projects (vcl file format)
  • Import Additional File Types (SGB, Geo, ViaNova Novapoint, Mesta Anleggspakken, WinAnfelt) (lin, prf, pxy, sec, kof, nyl, pxy, tit)
  • Import AutoCAD blocks as symbols
  • Import AutoCAD line styles
  • Customize GIS exports
  • Create Polygons
  • Control Linestring Display
  • Register Software
  • Tie Linework to a Surface
  • Drive Across a Surface
  • Create Tunnels (shapes, layers, templates)
  • Create Tunnel Surfaces
  • Create Points and Lines from Corridors
  • Use Additional Transition Spiral Types
  • Import Layer Information from Layer-Based Vector PDF’s
  • Explode Additional Objects
  • Consolidate and Standardize Layers
  • MAp Takeoff Layers
  • Get Feedback on Site Improvement Areas
  • Edit Mass Haul Object
  • Create Haul Range
  • Auto-Balance Mass Haul
  • Balance Mass Haul at Station
  • Balance Line Report
  • Other Enhancement to Existing Mass Haul Features
  • Name Field Data Files Manually
  • Expost Desing Map as KML to Business Data Center
  • Export road alignment as SVL to Business Data Center
  • Insert Smart Text
  • Photogrametry
  • Point Cloud
  • New Base Line Processor
  • Convert as-staked points to survey points
  • Coordinate System Manager update
  • RDLC Report output to MS Word
  • Feature Definition Manager support for polygon features
  • Polygon feature codes
  • Updated default Feature Definition file
  • Feature Spreadsheet
  • NAD 83 support
  • Survey Pro 5.1 support
  • Import GNSS position records
  • Import raw data from Ashtech ProFlex 800
  • Export GENIO files
  • Export adjustment data
  • Export as-staked data
  • Export SDMS fiels
  • Exchange data with Trimble S3 running Access
  • Measure Photogrametry Point Tutorial
  • HASP troubleshooting guide
  • Enterprise Deployment Guide
  • Use View Filter Manager More Easily

Quite a lot of them. Slowly I am making my way through them and will post more in a bit!


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