Business Center – HCE v2.70 release notes

Business Center - HCE v2.70

So I got a hold of the release notes for the Business Center – HCE v2.70.

Ease-of-use Features

  • Recent Commands – You can now access the last five commands you opened on the right side of the right click context menu. The number of recent commands that appear on the context menu can be increased to 20.
    (See the Context Menu Options help topic.)
  • Command Pane persistence – The command pane no longer closes with the [ESC] key. This improves the experience for users who wish to enter commands from the keyboard and eliminates the resizing of the graphics area when ending one command and starting another. The command pane can be closed by selecting the Close icon for the pane.
  • Space bar repeats the last command – When the command pane is open, pressing the space bar repeats the last command.
    (See the Run the Previous Command help topic.)
  • Run Last Command – Using a shortcut key, you can now use Run Last Command to quickly launch the previously-run command or to run a command multiple times in a row without having to keep the command pane open.
    (See the Run the Previous Command help topic.)
  • Context menu enhancements – Additional related commands have been added to many context menus so the commands you need are easier to access.
  • Simplified default toolbar – The default toolbar has been shortened to provide more graphics space by presenting the commands most used throughout the program. Many users have found it easier to have fewer icons to learn, select commands from the menus, and make specific toolbars as needed. Users may, of course, still load the previous full toolbars or make their own configurations. (See the Set a Menu Layout help topic.)
  • Layer warning – When you are specifying a layer for a new object (in the Command Pane), a warning now appears if the layer you choose is hidden in all of your views.
  • Layer persistence – For most commands, the layer you selected the last time you used the command now persists so it is the default layer the next time you use the command.
  • Toggle background color – You can now use the Toggle Backgorund Color icon on the Status bar to quickly invert the background color (black or white) for all graphic views. (See the Status Bar or Startup and Display Options help topic.)

Usability enhancements – Many small improvements have been made to increase the program’s ease-of use.

Performance-related Features

  • Graphics performance – Many improvements have been made in the management and speed of the graphics. These improvements affect how images and point cloud data are stored and displayed.
  • View filter enhancements
  • Quick filters- In the View Filter Manager, you can now use two options to quickly filter your data in a graphic view: View only layers of selected objects and Hide layers of selected objects. In addition, you can now cull your Layers list in the manager by clicking Hide non-visible layers.

(See the View Filter Manager Options help topic.)

  • Speed improvement – When toggling layers on and off within the View Filter Manager, the drawing of the graphics has been optimized to be much faster.
  • Surface properties in View Filter Manager – You can now access properties for any surface from the View Filter Manager by right-clicking the surface name and selecting Properties in the context menu.
  • Toggle layer visibility and selectability – In the View Filter Manager, you can now select multiple layers and press [spacebar] to toggle their visibility on/off. In the Advanced View Filter Settings dialog, you can now select multiple layers in the Selectable column and press [spacebar] to toggle their selectability on/off.

Data Exchange-related Features

  • Nordic software file import (new formats and enhancements) – You can now import many more file types created in SBG GeoTM, ViaNova Novapoint, and Mesta Anleggspakken and WinAnfelt software, including .lmd, .geo, .apd, .gt, .vgp, and .xml (for tunnels). In addition, many of the existing importers for Nordic software formats (.kof, .lin, .nyl .prf, .pxy, .sec, .tit) have been improved. (See the Import Nordic Data Exchange Files help topic.)
  • MicroStation file import (enhancements) – The current DGN importer (DGNDirect) has been replaced with the latest TeighaNET library, which is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
    (See the Import MicroStation Files help topic.)
  • SketchUp file import – Import points, lines, and surfaces in a SketchUp file (.skp) from Trimble SketchUp. (See the Import SketchUp Files help topic.)
  • CAiCE file import – You can now import horizontal alignment and cross- section data in CAiCE file format (.txt)., the standard for the Georgia Department of Transportation.
  • SketchUp file export – Export points, lines, and surfaces to a SketchUp file (.skp) that can be opened in Trimble SketchUp.

(See the Export SketchUp Files help topic.)

Point-related Features

  • Convert CAD Points – You can now use the Convert CAD Points command to make survey points (with latitude, longitude, height , and quality) from imported CAD points. (See the Convert CAD Points to Points help topic.)

Line-related Features

  • Create Circle – You can now use the Create Circle command to draw a 360° arc at a constant elevation. Using the auto-advance mode, you can quickly create multiple circles with the same radius. (See the Create a Circle help topic.)

Surface-related Features

  • Surface Info Report enhancements – In the Surface Information Report, you can now choose to include information on the surface’s area sorted by elevation/depth range and by slope range. In addition, you can specify a boundary in the report to limit the portion of the surface on which you get statistics. (See the Run a Surface Information Report help topic.)
  • Drape Objects on Surface – In addition to polylines and linestrings, you can now use the Drape Object on Surface command to vertically project points onto a surface. A draped point is dependent on the location (X,Y or latitude, longitude) of the reference point and the surface’s topography. (See the Drape a Point of Line on a Surface help topic.)
  • Offset a Draped Line – Once you have created a draped line, you can use the Properties pane to add a horizontal offset from the reference line to the draped line and to add a vertical offset from the dependent surface to the draped line. (See the Drape a Point of Line on a Surface help topic.)
  • Surface shadows – You can now show/hide a surface’s shadows in the Properties pane.
  • Surface Name and Slope in the Coordinates scroll – In the Coordinates scroll, you can now choose to show the slope of any surface triangle and the name of the surface you are hovering over in the Plan View.
  • Surface properties from View Filter Manager – You can now access properties for any surface from the View Filter Manager by right-clicking the surface name and selecting Properties in the context menu.
  • Surface transparency – You can now control the transparency of a surface in the Properties pane for the surface. This enables you make objects, such as an image of a site plan, visible behind the surface.
  • Drape cut/fill colors on Finished Design surface – In the Properties pane for a cut/fill map, you can now set Drape surface to Yes to display the cut and fill colors on the surface selected as the Final surface in the Create Cut/Fill Map command.

    Corridor-related Features

  • Icon for dependent corridor templates – Corridor templates that were copied from other templates or that reference other templates are now indicated by a distinct icon in the Project Explorer.

(See the Create Corridor Templates help topic.)

  • Slope for corridor template instructions – You can now use Project Settings (Project > Project Settings > View > Corridor Template View > Instruction slope) to show/hide slope values (in % or ratio) for the active instruction in a corridor template. (See the Edit and Delete Corridor Template Instructions help topic.)
  • Corridor template instructions by material layer – You can now use the View Options within the Corridor Template View to filter the view so it shows only the instructions for a specific material layer.
    (See the Edit and Delete Corridor Template Instructions help topic.)
  • Alignment Name in the Coordinates scroll – In the Coordinates scroll, you can now choose to show the name of the alignment you are hovering over in the Plan View.
  • NSW Spiral type – The Australian NSW (New South Wales) cubic parabola spiral type for railway transition curves is now supported in alignments.

    Drafting-related Features

  • Create Alignment Labels – Use the Create Horizontal Alignment Labels command to display values for stations, station equations, horizontal alignment (HAL) points, and abbreviations for other key points along an alignment. These values will be included in output when you print views that show them. (See the Label an Alignment help topic.)
  • Area by elevation in legend – You can now use the Properties pane to convert the legend to a table showing the area for each surface elevation band represented in the legend. (See the Add a Legend to a Surface or Map help topic.)
  • Copy plotbox image to clipboard – You can now copy a screen image of a plotbox’s contents to the clipboard so it can be pasted into another program, such as Trimble SketchUp.
    (See the Create a Plotbox and Print its Contents help topic.)

    Image-related Features

  • Image transparency – You can now specify the transparency on an image in the Properties pane for the image.
  • Copy graphic view image to clipboard – You can now copy a screen image of a graphic view’s contents to the clipboard so it can be pasted into another program, such as Trimble SketchUp.
    (See the Create a Plotbox and Print its Contents help topic.)

    Data Prep-related Features

  • Explode Object enhancements – You can now use the Explode command to break apart additional object types that contain components that you want to move, modify, delete, or export individually. Objects that you can explode include blocks, corridors, cut/fill map grids, surface elevation grids, surface ties, contour lines, and draped lines. When you explode a cut/fill map, CAD points are created at the tick mark locations. When you explode a densified corridor, the resulting linework reflects the densification (with rare exceptions).

Site Takeoff-related Features

  • A major change has been made in how site improvements are assigned. The new method described below is much faster, eliminates many user errors and provides instant feedback of how the improvement will be applied. Although the previous method is still supported, it is highly recommended that users review the updated Takeoff training guides and adopt the new method.

(See the Understanding Area-based Site Improvements help topic.)

  • Assign Site Improvement – You can now use the Assign Site Improvements command to create area-based site improvements more easily and with greater certainty that they are calculating the intended area. In addition, the slope area (not just the planimetric) is now calculated for the site improvement areas assigned using this method.

(See the Assign Site Improvements to Takeoff Layers help topic.) The benefits of this new method include:

  • When site improvements abut, you no longer need to have coincidental boundaries. A single line can serve as a boundary between site improvements. This can eliminate issues caused by small gaps and overlaps in the individual boundaries of adjoining site improvements.
  • You no longer have to make closed areas to contain site improvements.  Closed areas can still be used automatically or manually.
  • You can use 2D and 3D linework.
  • You get immediate feedback and shading of the resulting area.
  • If you pick a point and the area is not enclosed, you get a warning.
  • Minor drafting imperfections, such as gaps that keep multiple lines from forming the intended enclosed area, can be ignored via a tolerance, allowing the site improvement to be formed in spite of that issue. Additionally, such data imperfections have become clear, allowing you to fix those problems as a part of a data preparation process.
  • Copying materials and site improvements – You can now copy materials and site improvements within a category or library or from either library to the other library by selecting an item or category and dragging-and-dropping it to a new location.

(See the Copy from the External Library to Your Project Library help topic.)

  • Distinguish between earthen materials – You can now distinguish between earthen materials for mass earthworks and those for select operations in Material and Site Improvement Manager when you are preparing to do takeoff calculations. (See the Create and Edit Earthen Materials help topic.)
  • Earthen (Mass earthworks) Materials – Earthen materials found within the project site’s subsurface earthen material strata or off-site borrow pits that contribute to the analysis of mass earthworks.
  • Earthen (Select) Materials – Earthen materials of a select nature that may be required for specific purposes. These include mined, manufactured or otherwise processed materials.
  • Drillhole display – Now each drillhole’s name is shown and the point symbol’s size has been increased in graphic views.
  • Perpendicular offset for site improvements – You can now specify whether you want to use vertical or perpendicular offset for each area-based site improvement (defaults to perpendicular). This enables you to calculate site improvement quantities based on perpendicular offsets.

    (See the Area Site Improvement Options help topic.)

Takeoff Report enhancements: (See the Run a Takeoff Report help topic.)

  • Separated units – Supplemental measurement units have been separated from actual units, and units have been separated from quantities. This enables you to cut-and-paste the values elsewhere.
  • Slope lengths and areas – The report can now show slope lengths for linear site improvements (for which the Slope length quantification basis is used in the definition of the site improvement) and slope areas for area- based site improvements (for which the Surface area quantification basis is used).

Site Mass Haul-related Features

  • Create Earthworks Site – You can now use the Create Earthworks Site command to create a borrow pit or waste site at a known location for a site mass haul. The Site Mass Haul Analysis command can then be used to determine the optimal way to distribute earthworks. If a haul road connects the earthworks site to the construction site, the mass haul analysis will consider hauling material to and from this site.
    (See the Create Earthwork Sites help topic.)
  • Create Haul Road – Use the Create Haul Road command to connect earthworks sites to the construction site. A valid haul road can now have an end point outside of a zone.
    (See the Create and Edit Haul Roads for Mass Haul help topic.)
  • View balance properties – In the Plan View, you can now select a balance between two zones, and view the balance details on the balance page. Balance details include the volume of material moved and the cost to move the material. (See the Understanding Balancing in Mass Haul help topic.)
  • Haul road costs – Costs for haul roads are now displayed and entered as cost/volume unit/mile or cost/volume unit/kilometer.
    (See the Create and Edit Haul Roads for Mass Haul help topic.)
  • Haul routes – Route calculations and object properties have been improved for site mass haul.

Corridor Mass Haul-related Features

  • Show grade points – In the properties of a corridor mass haul analysis, you can now select Yes in the Show grade points box to display grade points on the usable ordinate in the Mass Haul Diagram. Maximum grade points (blue) display where the mass haul changes from having excess cut to excess fill. Minimum grade points (red) display where the mass haul changes from having excess fill to excess cut.

    (See the View and Interpret a Corridor Mass Haul Diagram help topic.)

  • Refresh button – In the Mass Haul Diagram, you can now easily refresh the mass haul analysis by clicking the Refresh button.
    (See the Refresh a Corridor Mass Haul Analysis help topic.)
  • Balanced Cut/Fill Zones – When a corridor mass haul is balanced, the balanced cut/fill zones now appear on the corridor in the Plan View. In the Corridor Mass Haul Diagram, when you select a balance line, the footprint of the balanced cut/fill zone is highlighted in the Plan View.

    (See the Analyze Mass Haul Needs for a Corridor help topic.)

  • Haul road costs – Costs for haul roads are now displayed and entered as cost/volume unit/mile or cost/volume unit/kilometer.
    (See the Create and Edit Haul Roads for Mass Haul help topic.)
  • Mass haul ordinates in the View Filter Manager – Once you have created a corridor mass haul and a Corridor Mass Haul Diagram, a Mass Ordinates group appears in the View Filter Manager so you can show/hide your ordinates for haul, cut, fill, and material volumes in the diagram.

    (See the View and Interpret a Corridor Mass Haul Diagram help topic.) Field Data-related Features

  • Support for SCS900 version 3 – You can now export and re-import field data files to version 3 of SCS900.
  • Export sub-alignments to GCS Machines – You can now include named sub-alignments when you export to GCS machines. This enables you to see a corridor’s named cross-section nodes in GCS900.
    (See the Export GCS Machine Job Site Design Files help topic.)
  • VisionLink and TCC Login Pages – You can now access the Connected Community (TCC) and VisionLink from the Tools menu in the program. (See the VisionLink and Connected Community help topics.)

Survey-related Features

Trimble R10 receiver

  • RTK tilt – Import RTK tilt magnitude and quality data, including the tilt calibration date, from a Trimble Access Job or JobXML file and display it in the RTK Vector Properties pane and Vector Spreadsheet. Specify tilt tolerances in Project Settings. Export RTK tilt data using the Custom Exporter.
  • PPK tilt – Import PPK tilt magnitude and quality data, including the tilt calibration date, from a combination of a Trimble Access Job or JobXML file and a T02 file and display this information in the PPK Vector Properties pane and Vector Spreadsheet. Specify tilt tolerances in Project Settings. Export PPK tilt data using the Custom Exporter.
  • RTCM age – View “RTCM age” as a property of an RTK vector in the RTK Vector Properties pane and Vector Spreadsheet. Export RTCM age data using the Custom Exporter. (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) is an international communication/corrections format that is not manufacturer-specific.)
  • Trimble xFill observations – Import Trimble Access Job or JobXML files containing xFill observations. xFill observations will import as RTK vectors with solution type “xFill” and can be processed, reported, and exported along with standard RTK observations.
  • QZSS – Import raw GNSS data that includes observables from the QZSS constellation, select to use or not use data from satellites in this constellation in baseline processing, view QZSS tracking in the session editor, and review QZSS processing in the Baseline Processing Report.

    Images and scanned data

  • Import/export point cloud data – Import and export point cloud data in a variety of popular formats (.e57, .las, .pts, .ptx, .xyz, and .yxz).
    (See “Import Point Cloud Files” and “Export Point Cloud Files” in the online Help.)
  • 3D walk-through – With a 3D view open, use the new Walk Through command to simulate walking through 3D data, including point cloud data. Use the interface pane, mouse, or keyboard to control your position, speed, movement, view direction, and elevation. (See “Walk Through View” in the online Help.)
  • Station view field-of-vision indicator – When using the Plan View, view which Station Views are open and in which direction they are facing. Control the size and transparency of the status cones in Tools > Options > Photogrammetry. (See “Station View (Referenced Images)” in the online Help.)
  • Frame rate – Models display more smoothly and the screen refreshes more quickly due to an enhanced frame rate, resulting in a more seamless viewing experience when working with large data sets.

Features data

  • Update feature codes – Feature codes are automatically updated when you modify processed features. There is no need to undo and redo feature code processing to update the codes.

(See “Process Feature Codes” in the online Help.)


  • RXL spiral support – Import and export Bloss and Cubic spirals and Korean Cubic Parabolas.

Data exchange support

  • Export data to ArcGIS 9.3.1 – Use the Geodatabase XML exporter to export data to ArcGIS 9.3.1.
  • AutoCAD units export – Export AutoCAD files with specified units.
  • GeoXR monopole – Import and process data gathered using the new Trimble

    GeoXR monopole.

  • Spectra Precision Survey Pro 5.2 – Import files from Spectra Precision’s Survey Pro 5.2. Also, export lines and alignments to Survey Pro.
  • FAST Survey – Import FAST Survey formatted files with local coordinate systems support.


  • Laser observations – View laser observations in the Optical Spreadsheet.
  • Check-for-updates MSMs – View installed MSMs included in the “Installed

    Version” list in the Check for Updates dialog so you do not need to re-install. Documentation

  • Enterprise Deployment Guide -The guide has been updated to include instructions for deploying software updates using Msiexec.exe.
  • Additional Workflow Wizards – You can now use new workflow guides, wizards, and help topics to understand and work through the workflows for site mass haul, corridor data prep, corridor mass haul, and others.
    (See the Follow Workflow Guides help topic.)

    Miscellaneous Features

Warranty expiration alert – You are now alerted to your impending warranty expiration data 60, 30, and 5 days before it happens.
(See the Register and Warranty this Software help topic.)

Microsoft® Windows® 8 – The software will run on the Windows 8 operating system.

Enhancements from the BC-HCE 2.61 and 2.62 Patches

  • Printing and plotting – When printing or plotting (in landscape orientation) a plotbox that contains an image, the image is no longer stretched. In addition, any gridlines within the plotbox now appear in the correct locations when printed or plotted.

New snaps – Three snap commands have been added:

  • Station from Segment Snap enables you to calculate a station value from a point along a specific segment of an alignment or line.

(See the Station from Segment Snap help topic.)

  • Bearing of Segment Snap enables you to specify a bearing by picking a segment with the desired bearing in the Plan View.

(See the Bearing of Segment Snap help topic.)

  • Length of Segment Snap enables you to specify a length or distance by picking a segment with the desired length in the Plan View.

(See the Length of Segment Snap help topic.)

  • Intersection of Lines snap – When snapping to the ‘intersection’ of two lines, if the lines do not actually touch, the intersection is computed by projecting one or both of the lines to their nearest intersection.
    (See the Intersection of Lines Snap help topic.)
  • Edit Linestring – When you are editing a linestring (using the Edit Linestring command), the segment you are editing is highlighted in both the Plan View and 3D View. In addition, you can now pick linestring segments and vertical points of intersection (VPIs) in the 3D View.
  • Offset Line – The command’s boxes have been rearranged and an auto- advance option has been added to the offset boxes. These improvements allow you to simply pick the line to offset and then the side on which to create the offset line once you have specified the name, layer, and offset distances; this helps you to create multiple offset lines more efficiently.
  • Float View – You can now separate (‘float’) browser page views (such as the Start Page, Workflow Guides, and reports) from your program window so you can move them onto a second monitor.
  • Trim/Extend Lines – If a line crosses over itself, you can now trim the line back to the point at which it self-intersects by picking the line as its own bounding line.
  • Line highlighting – Selected lines now highlight consistently in all graphic views (using the highlight color and line width defined in program options).
  • CAD block import – When you convert blocks to 3D points during a .dxf/.dwg file import, points are no longer created for blocks at 0,0; often, these were invalid points geographically separated from your actual data.

Note: You can also press [Shift] and click a line segment when you are in either a bearing or distance box to derive the appropriate value from the segment.

  • Corridor mass haul – Balance lines for a corridor mass haul analysis now include a No haul property to indicate earthwork volumes that are neither balanced nor cross-hauled. This will occur in cases where at one station there is a distributed import/borrow that gets used as fill at that station (therefore not altering the cumulative usable ordinate or being accounted for in the balance volume).
  • Graphics performance – Rendering speed in the graphic views has been improved for several functions, such as editing unusually long linestrings.
  • Create Linestring enhancements – When you are creating new segments at the end of a linestring, you can now lock the Elevation box so that all subsequent segments use the same elevation. This enables you to quickly create a linestring by simply picking points in the Plan View (similar to the Create Polyline command).


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