SCS Data Manager and Business Center – HCE updates

Business Center - HCE v2.61

Today I have noticed that there is few updates for Business Center – HCE

First one deals with SCS Data Manager (if you still use it), aparently there was a glitch with assigning and unassigning site controllers. Now this is fixed and there wotn be any prompts about this function.

Second one deals with Business Center – HCE itself. The release is 2.61 so this means it will include quite bit of new stuff. Bellow you will find the release notes as per Trimble.

New snaps – Three snap commands have been added:

o Station from Segment Snap enables you to calculate a station value from a point along a specific segment of an alignment or line.

o Bearing of Segment Snap enables you to specify a bearing by picking a segment with the desired bearing in the Plan View.

o Length of Segment Snap enables you to specify a length or distance by picking a segment with the desired length in the Plan View.

Note: You can also press [Shift] and click a line segment when you are in either a bearing or distance box to derive the appropriate value from the segment.

Intersection of Lines snap – When snapping to the ‘intersection’ of two lines, if the lines do not actually touch, the intersection is computed by projecting one or both of the lines to their nearest intersection.

Edit Linestring – When you are editing a linestring (using the Edit Linestring command), the segment you are editing is highlighted in both the Plan View and 3D View. In addition, you can now pick linestring segments and vertical points of intersection (VPIs) in the 3D View.

Offset Line – The command’s boxes have been rearranged and an auto-advance option has been added to the offset boxes. These improvements allow you to simply pick the line to offset and then the side on which to create the offset line once you have specified the name, layer, and offset distances; this helps you to create multiple offset lines more efficiently.

Float View – You can now separate (‘float’) browser page views (such as the Start Page, Workflow Guides, and reports) from your program window so you can move them onto a second monitor.

Display options – The OpenGL2 and Windows GDI drivers have been re-added to the Advanced Graphics Options.

Boundary usage – The order of the usage (type) choices in the Properties pane for a boundary, now matches the order in which the usages are listed in the Create Boundary command.

Linestring VPIs – If you change the length of a linestring’s first segment, any vertical points of intersection (VPIs) along the linestring now retain their correct distance along the linestring. When making certain edits affecting the geometry of a linestring, adjustments are now made to the distance along values associated with points of vertical intersection (VPIs) located on unaffected segments, thereby maintaining their former relative position along those segments.

Trim/Extend Lines – If a line crosses over itself, you can now trim the line back to the point at which it self-intersects by picking the line as its own bounding line.

Break Line – Correct elevations are now retained at the new segment end point when you break a linestring.

Line highlighting – Selected lines now highlight consistently in all graphic views (using the highlight color and line width defined in program options).

Closed 3D polylines – Imported 3D polylines that have a closed property now display properly in 3D views.

CAD block import – When you convert blocks to 3D points during a .dxf/.dwg file import, points are no longer created for blocks at 0,0; often, these were invalid points geographically separated from your actual data.

Corridor mass haul – Balance lines for a corridor mass haul analysis now include a No haul property to indicate earthwork volumes that are neither balanced nor cross-hauled. This will occur in cases where at one station there is a distributed import/borrow that gets used as fill at that station (therefore not altering the cumulative usable ordinate or being accounted for in the balance volume).

Graphics performance – Rendering speed in the graphic views has been improved for several functions, such as editing unusually long linestrings.

Help files – Fully-translated help files are now installed for British English, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and US English.

As you can see there are quite a bit of improvements. Now I am really exited about the graphics improvements which I had trouble lately. Also new snaps alway help  not even mentioning the highlighting the selected linestings in 3D is great.

So to sum up another great update from Trimble and now we have Business Center 2.61 and SCS Data Manager 2.91


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