Survey Business Center v2.70


Another release of survey’s side of Business Center and it is a v2.70. There are enhancements for photogrametry, polygon and GNSS portions. This means we will see the same enhancements in the upcoming Business Center – HCE v2.60. Can wait for more news on that one.


Here are the notes from Trimble’s web page:

  • Photogrammetry – When a surveyor’s project contains images from Trimble VISION™ Total Stations or Trimble VX Spatial Stations, users can make photogrammetry measurements and calculate points with three-dimensional (3D) coordinates.
  • Support for Polygon Features – Using the Feature Definition Manager application, surveyors can create and edit polygon feature definitions for inclusion in a library (.fxl) file. Polygon features are useful for modeling real world terrain features such as bodies of water, building footprints, and parcel boundaries. 
  • New GNSS Baseline Processor – The baseline processor has been enhanced to provide improved accuracy and support for RINEX 3.0 and ANTEX antenna model formats. Users can post-process GNSS observables faster by taking advantage of multi-core computer processing. By decreasing the time it takes to process baselines, the software enables office surveyors to spend more time analyzing results and creating deliverables. 


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